
Who am I:

I am Johanna, twenty years old and from germany.
My artist name is Temere, which has many different translations but for me the latin word Temere stands for “auf gut Glück” (in german), so basically to just try and hope for the best. Because if you never try, you’ll never know 🙂. Apart from making music and writing songs I love to spend time in nature and to ride horses.

My Message:

One thing I’ve learnt in life is that the end is and will never be the answer. Life isn’t always easy, especially when you feel like nobody understands you. With my songs i try to express my feelings and to encourage people to show the world who they really are.
Why should we hide just because we are all different?

My journey so far:

When I was twelve years old I wrote my first german love song. I was so young but already felt so heartbroken and I needed to let out my feelings. The following years I wrote a lot of songs and although my friends supported me and told me to make music more professionally I still didn’t believe in myself. Now I am twenty years old and my first song called One Way Ticket will be released in June.